Who’s searching “how to lose a girl”? Someone who doesn’t want it to happen! The subject of today’s article is the six most common ways that guys are losing contact with their crush by texting or overcalling. So basically bad etiquette when trying to secure a date in between the all-important first liaison when you get their number and when you’re texting or calling trying to strike up a rapport and get that date. Make sure you know how to talk to girls first!
How To Make A Girl Lose Feelings For You
Okay, so we’ve had a lot of previous friends who we’ve been working with who have had this problem. They same to get a number from a chick, things are going well, then suddenly she stops responding, or she starts flaking a little bit, and they end up with nothing and no date. A recent friend of mine was in this exact situation, so we decided to make a very specific detail, going through all the reasons, the six most prominent reasons in fact which we found that he was suffering and were losing him those all important dates despite the fact he already had their number.
Okay, there’s a lot of information, and we want to do this in its entire state, and thus we’re going to cut the article into two parts. So this is part one of how you can be losing your crush or even why girls don’t like you, that date you want through lousy textmanship and the bad contact having already got their number. Alright, let’s go.
How to lose a girl: Overtexting
Over-texting. Alright, it sounds easy. You can always say it to your mates, “Dude, you got to not text her. “Don’t text back, play it cool.” But when you are in that moment you really want to see this girl. You really like her. Suddenly your whole life becomes obsessive. You’re picking out wedding dresses in your mind. Not for yourself, for her, obviously. Alright, you’re picking out wedding dresses. You’re thinking about getting matching trainers. You’re thinking about where you’re going to go on holiday. You only met her last week on a Monday, in a club, for two minutes. But that’s what you’re thinking about because she’s beautiful and you want her. This is the male condition.
This our payback for childbirth, is chasing women who turn you down. Or who don’t want you or who play games. It’s tough, and it’s a horrible situation to be in. As I said, I’ve been in it myself a million times. So you’re sending texts. She might be replying sporadically. If she’s not replying at all, then dude, you know, she’s not replying, give up move on. But if she’s replying sporadically, showing half interest, this is when it’s even worse. Maybe you’ve had a date. Maybe you’ve been dating. You have some contact. Maybe you even slept with her and now she’s gone cold. And you want her and you’re obsessing over her, and your life seems just her. You’re at work staring at a laptop and all you can see is her on the laptop. Your boss walks in and suddenly her face is imposed on his fat body and she’s wearing a suit, and she’s in your office and it’s all bizarre. You realize you’ve done drugs and don’t know where this article is going.
How To Lose Your Girlfriend Over Feelings
So anyway, it’s an awful feeling to have when you just want to text her so much it’s killing you. But, homeboy, don’t do it. Simply don’t do it. You have to not text. You have to reciprocate her exact behavior. If she’s texting you sporadically. If she’s not showing any interest. You can’t text her a question and she says, so you say, so blah, blah, blah, blah, what have you been up to? And she goes, not much. You can’t then text back and say, alright, cool, well anyway, and go into a massive thing about what you’ve been doing or how cool it is that she’s been doing not much, or asking her why she’s not doing much. That’s over interest. You have to reciprocate the values and the effort she’s putting in.
So if she stops texting you, when she finally does you don’t text her back. In fact you leave it double the time. She texts you back after two hours, well then you text her back the next day after 12 hours. If she starts to play games and you’re still too keen, you’re simply giving away your ace. Your showing your hand too early. You’re showing you’re really keen and you’re really into her. You have to step back and show you are cool and aloof. Easier said than done. You have this inbuilt urge to text her, and once you’ve done it you feel, oh damn I shouldn’t have texted, especially when she doesn’t reply or takes ages to reply. A nice little technique is simply to take her contact in your phone and change the name to you will regret it, or no, or don’t do it. Then every time you get that phone out and the male urge takes over to start texting her, with this crazed look on your face you’re going to read don’t do it, you mug. Put that, don’t do it, you mug. I put those exact words, don’t do it, maybe not you mug but don’t do it, on contact, do not do it, do not text her. Because if you do you’re digging that hole deeper and every extra text, every extra cool, the hole gets deeper and you ain’t gonna be able to climb out, mate.
How to lose a girl: emotional or mushy via text message
Okay so, point number two is don’t get emotional or mushy via text message. Don’t get lovey dove-y. So you’ve had a couple dates, you’ve had some contact. Don’t start telling her how beautiful she is and how you love spending time with her and all this. You can do that when you’ve got her when you know you’re in a relationship, it’s getting strong, or you’re about to get in a relationship. Until that point, you’re going to become again that needy guy I was talking about in point one.

You’re going to sacrifice your integrity. So we don’t want you to be emotional. No telling her you want to see her, or you’ve missed her, or you’ve been thinking about her. No sending her songs that you might’ve heard together. No reminiscing over moments you spent walking hand and hand by the river. For her the river was cold, it was boring, and you had bad breath. For you, it was this amazing moment. Remember you don’t know what she’s thinking. If she’s not as invested as you she’s simply going to be like, oh my god; this guy loves, he wants me. Her ego is going to inflate. You’re going to become a fan of hers. Another guy who wanted her because she’s so fine. And she’s going to stop responding.
How To Lose A Girlfriend Emotionally
So let’s cut out the emotional, sentimental shit and let’s be that funny, legendary cool guy, you met her when you were drunk in the bar. Don’t have to be drunk in the bar. When you met her is what I’m saying because that’s when your game would’ve been on point because you were flowing with the humor and the charisma, and you were looking good, and you were the man. And now you’re in the zone of obtaining her; you start being a lil bitch. She realizes you’re not that cool guy from the bar, you’re a lil bitch, and you lose her. So no sentimentality, no emotional stuff. You are a man, an old-fashioned, traditional, strong type of man.
Lay on the banter, be interesting, cool, fun, great to hang out with, and leave the emotional, sentimental crap for the relationship, when you’re together, and you’re no longer feeling it because you got her. It works for you when you’re with her face to face, but it’s especially so by text. If she can sense that emotional attachment, that sentimentality, that longing to be near her, with her and not that kind of strong character which you were when you met her, and she will sense it via the medium of text, what’s that, whatever. It’s going to ruin your chance.
Do not send massive text messages with loads of information
Three. Do not send massive text messages with loads of information. When you text her, you got to imagine you are texting a friend. Okay, not like your boy you go the gym with, who just literally write two words, I’m outside or hurry up, dickhead. That’s not going to work. But a mate you’re sort of you’re getting along with, you’re laughing with, but you have no interest in, no sexual or romantic interest in. This is when you’re chasing. If she starts to show much more interest and she starts to give you the indicator she’s into it, yeah, you can be more flirtatious, give compliments right. However, in these early stages be funny and also don’t put too much effort in the text. Leave typos in.

Be scrappy. Your grammar doesn’t have to be perfect. Don’t send her perfectly written essays with perfect punctuation. She doesn’t want that. It’s far too much effort. If your text is too long then don’t send it, make it smaller. Send one text and then a few minutes later send some more info as you would to a friend. It’s really obvious when someone is planning their texts. They’re trying to get too many emotions in in one thing. They’re trying to plan a whole date from when they’re going to go, to where they’re going to take you, what you’re going to wear, all this stuff in one text. You’re much better off saying, how about the cinema?
How To Lose A Woman Mentally
Hey, so I thought it would be nice if you and I could hang out and go to the cinema. There’s a great film on. I’ve heard it’s really good. A friend of mine saw it, and it was great. After that, we could. No, no, we don’t want that. You’re just going to text her and say, cinema, question mark. It’s the same thing. It’s the same thing, except you’re not putting too much effort, and you’re cool. You’re going to go to the cinema, probably on your own, you’re that cool. Is that cool? Probably not. But anyway. So you’re going to make it really, really, really easy, relaxed, and humorous and fun as you would do with a friend.
Don’t overthink it. Don’t overwrite it. Keep it short and precise. Leave in typos, leave in bad grammar. It shows you’re not investing too much in that moment even though you’re investing even more because you’re thinking about invest. I’m getting confused myself. You get the point, let’s move on.
So there we have it, guys. That was the first three points in our article on how you could be losing your crush, the girl you want to be dating, through bad texting, bad calling etiquette. Part two coming very soon, so check that out.
We are back, and today, it’s part two in our article of the most common six ways in which guys like you are losing their crush by bad texting, over calling, etcetera, etcetera. So as I’ve said, this is part two so check out part one if you’ve not read it.
Never show that you obsessing
And here we go, so this is point number four, right. If you ask her to meet you somewhere, you want her to do something with you, you’re trying to plan something, and she says no, and you’ve been planning this for weeks in your head. Again, fantasizing about what could be and obsessing about her. You must never show this, golden rule, right? Simply, do not get angry or emotional.
If you say something lame like, “Oh well, I’m really busy you know? Like, great cool. You could’ve let me know earlier.” You’ve been affected. You’ve been affected by that. Yes, you’re pissed off. You’re angry, but a legendary dude doesn’t do that. He’s just gonna say, “Alright, cool. Whatever. Cool. Whatever. Maybe next time” and move on. Forget about it. If you say to her something like, “Aww thanks for letting me know” or “I made a massive plan” or “I went and bought a brand-new suit and a brand-new watch and got a haircut, all for you.” You’re not going to say that, but that’s what it’s indicating. It’s too much preparation. You’ve got options, bro. She’s not the only girl out there. You see loads of chicks as far as she knows. She’s just another one of your girls, of your harem. Alright, you have to act like a player even if you’re not. Even if she’s the only girl, you’ve ever met. Even if you’re shit with women. It doesn’t matter. She has to see that you have options and that runs through all of these points as well. What we’re trying to do is develop a character of a guy who’s used to having loads of women around and is not obsessing over her, alright. She is simply one option in a sea of the plethora of other women out there that you could be seeing potentially, alright. So, again, do not get angry or emotional if she turns you down. Be like, “Yeah, cool. No worries. Maybe next time.” It’s much better than making a point that you had loads of preparation and you were looking forward to it. Even if you have organized something nice. Even if she cancels you the night before the date, the hour before the date, the big date, alright. It doesn’t matter.
How To Make A Girl Lose Interest In You
Even if you spent money on theater tickets, alright. You be nonchalant and if you’re pissed off, that small, “Yeah, okay don’t worry about it.” That’s going to make her feel guilty, and she’ll know that yeah, he’s angry, but he’s not affected. He’s just thinking, “Wow, what a dickhead. Who does that? On a human level, who does that?” You shouldn’t take the piss like that of anyone but she’s not gonna be thinking, “Oh, my God, he loves me so much now I’ve canceled” because you’re doing it, again, more on a human level rather than an emotional level where you would desperately want to see this particular person. She’s just any person. She could be your brother. She could be your friend. It doesn’t matter. She’s a person who’s messed you around. That was how I would respond to somebody who I didn’t want to get with and who hadn’t touched me emotionally. There’s a big difference between someone annoying you because they’ve canceled or someone who’s upsetting you because they’ve canceled because you wanted to see them, alright.
How To Recover From That Rejection
Okay, and this opens up point number five which is, “How To Recover From That Rejection.” So, having sent her back, this easy-going, unbothered text, alright. You have to not text for a while, okay. So, do not then be the next morning like, “How are you? So, I’ve recovered from my little emotional hissy fit I had last night. I went to the theater on my own and cried everywhere all night thinking of you and violently masturbating over your Instagram”, alright. Don’t say that, but that’s what she’s thinking, alright. You’re going to wait. Do not text her straight-away afterward. Leave it for a while, alright. You’re not keen. Again, she’s not your sole focus. Leave it for at least a week. If she doesn’t text or try and fix up another date or to apologize that she let you down at the last minute, she hasn’t realized that she’s wrong socially in her conduct. She doesn’t deserve your text, and she doesn’t care about your text and doesn’t want you to text her particularly anyway. However, if you are seemingly distancing yourself from her, your interest has been subdued. You’re losing interest. You know what, fuck her. Alright. I don’t want to try and chase women who are going to mess me around.
How To Lose A Girl By Overthinking
Well, then she’s gonna think, “Oh, wait a minute. Maybe I do like this guy, and he’s not that obsessed with me, and I’m losing my grasp on him, and I’m losing a member of my fan club.” And nobody likes to lose things which make their ego feel good. It’s more than likely; if you play it right, she’ll then think, “Wait a minute. What happened to John? He was really into me, and now he stopped texting me? That doesn’t feel nice. I’ve lost his affection. My ego is–maybe I’m not that great after all. Maybe John is the man! I’ve gotta text, John!” Hopefully, that’s what she’s going to do, alright. So, John if you’re reading this right now.
Reopen that conversation
Okay, so our final point, number six. When you’re done with this massive article, alright is when you do decide to reopen that conversation, alright, you go straight in with some banter. You do not want to bring up the rejection of the date. You do not want to bring up her excuse for canceling you. You do not want to instantly ask for another date. All of these things are just going to bring her mind back to the place when she rejected you. And it shows you’re still thinking about that rejection.

So, what you want to do is reopen with more banter. You said something funny to her when you met, alright. And by banter, I think it’s an English term. If you’re not in England, it means to have a laugh, messing around, teasing each other. So, instead of referring to the whole of the last scenario, say she said she couldn’t come on the date because she’d accidentally cut her foot off with an ax. You don’t wanna go, “Oh, my God! How’s the foot?” Alright. You want to simply move on. Forget about her foot. What am I talking about? Anyway, forget about her foot and simply refer to something funny which happened before the rejection, alright, or a new topic. So, do not refer back to the date, the reason for the rejection, or ask her out straight-away again. Forget about it. It’s in the past. Smooth it over. Reignite a humorous conversation. Remind her why you’re that cool, fun, charismatic, awesome guy. Bit of banter, a bit of joking, texting back and forth. Then, again, she’s gonna think, “Oh, wow. So now, he disappeared for a week.
How To Lose A Girl By Carrying To Much
He’s forgotten that I even turned him down, probably doesn’t care. And he’s back laughing again. And you’re back in the territory of the guy who wants her and doesn’t need her. You know why? Because the guy who needs her was obsessing about the date, she canceled. “Oh, I can’t get a –.” The guy who wants her was like, “Alright, this girl flopped on me. I don’t give a shit. I’m going out with my mates. I’ve got ten other dates.” Then he’s like a week later like, “You know what? What about that hot girl? Yeah, she was alright, that one. I’ll text her again. I’ll make her laugh again. Let’s try again. Round two.” And there you are back in the zone of having a real chance without sacrificing your integrity by being too needy.
Okay, gentleman, so there we have it. That was the final installment in our six ways in which most guys are losing women, losing dates through bad texting, bad calling habits, okay.